2022 Wrap Up

Whew... What isn't there to say about 2022. I'll start at the beginning but let me preface that Blogger/Blogspot does not mark when there are grammatical errors so forgive me in advance if some things end up misspelled because I am too lazy to re-read through my post before posting. Amara and I celebrated the New Year by watching the firework show at Great America. We unfortunately too late to make into the park before the show but we got a good view from the parking lot across the street. I mean they’re in the sky so pretty much any spot was good. We had rung in the New Year by practicing the usual NYE superstitions/traditions. We had black eyed peas, drank ginger-ale, and made sure to kick Jonathan outside the house before midnight and made sure he had cash in this wallet before he stepped back inside the house. Oh and of course we kissed. As a family we shared our resolutions for 2022 and collectively hoped for a prosperous year. On January 8th, we went up to Mare Island...